Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Fur Trade Blogs


Fur Trade Blogs

 In 6th grade, we have been learning about blogs and blogging. We learned that:

  • Blogs are a more informal way of communicating online
  • Blogs are like a journal with newest entries on the top of the page
  • Blogs are used for many reasons (hobbies, teaching tool, journal...)
  • Blogs are a way to publish online-- some people are even paid to blog!
  • Blogs are a type of digital media and are interactive
  • Blogs are fun and easy to make

Sixth graders have been leaning about the Voyageurs in their Social Studies Class. For their final project, students were asked to journal in the voice of a voyageur.

Students typed their entries up in class, and their teacher and I worked with them to create a blog using blogger.

Students-- Add a link to your blog here:
First Name (6R)


  1. Okayyyyyyyy.....well hi.

  2. I come from ؈¨˝Ï˝˝Ïν

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. hi sorry i commented done lol

  5. Hello fellow holloweenies
