Monday, December 21, 2015



In 6th grade this year our students studied artists in their homerooms. In art class, the students learned about different styles of art and then researched an artist that interested them. They then created a piece of artwork in the style of the artist they studied. Students learned about sharing information through infographics in library time. Mr. Moore the art teacher taught the students some graphic art basic fundamentals. I then took the students to the labs and we learned how to tie everything together into making an infographic. Their classroom teachers helped students complete their projects.

Check out the awesome work we did:

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Hour of Code

Our entire school has joined in on the largest education event in history: The Hour of Code. During Computer Science Education Week and throughout all of December, every one of our students will be amongst over 2 million worldwide spending one hour learning the basics of computer programming.

Find out more at: 

Hour of Code is a one-hour activity. Students of all ages can choose from a variety of self-guided tutorials, for kindergarten and up. Tutorials work on any modern browser, tablet, or smartphone. Learn more at

Brimhall Kids Code

Try coding activities at home It teaches great problem solving skills, and is a lot of fun. My own kids have been learning a lot (so have I!).


iPad Apps