The whole family has been enjoying Caldecott Books! It thrills me to hear my three year old yell out, "Mom! A Caldecott!" I must be a real book nerd.
Pictured on the left is my 5 year old Frankie reading The Paperboy to her dad. When he came home she could hardly contain her excitement to show him this book, because her dad was a paperboy when he was a child. She and her brother decided that Oliver should be a paperboy too, and they played "paperboy" for a good portion of the evening.
Here are some other Caldecott highs and lows:
Baboushka and the Three Kings: A Russian Folktale
by Ruth Robbins ; illustrated by Nicolas Sidjakov
Winner 1961
High: My kids loved the connection to the traditional Christmas story. Frankie let out a gasp, when she recognized the three kings.
Low: Not all children can make the same connections that my kids did. It is adapted from a folktale--so I'm not going to let it bug me too much.
The Paperboy
Written and Illustrated by Dav Pilkey
Honor Book 1997
High: I had not read this book before (I was a senior in high school in 1997!) so I was pleasantly surprised by Dav Pilkey (known to me as author of Captain Underpants)
It is a delightful little story. My true high of this book was the illustrations of the early morning skies which were inspired by Starry Night.
On a personal note, I loved hearing my daughter read this medal book out loud to her dad. I think it is her first Caldecott that she read by herself.
*Note upon rereading this post, I noticed I didn't have a low for this book. I honestly can't think one, except that more kids don't read this book by Dav Pilkey.
Hey Al
by Arthur Yorinks ; illustrated by Richard Egielski
Winner 1987
High: I love the details of the pictures.
Low: While the pictures were great, I was hoping for a bit more from the story. It reminded me a bit of Where the Wild Things Are yet the ending wasn't quite as satisying.
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