Thursday, May 25, 2017
Maud Hart Lovelace Celebration
These kiddos make me love my job! They read all of the state nominated books for Maud Hart Lovelace Division One! Kids today are pretty great! Plus-- look at my adorable cupcakes:)
We had a party and played a BATTLE OF THE BOOKS and ate snacks. A great afternoon!
Thursday, May 18, 2017
6th Grade Non Fiction Book Reviews
Hard at work! |
When students were ready to publish their review, I pushed into each sixth grade room to teach students how to use SMORE to create an online flier. I have a classroom subscription and will renew my subscription next year. I used it earlier this year with our 4th grade state research. It is a versatile easy to use tool for students (and adults). I can't recommend it enough! See our book review below. They turned out great!